Tuesday, May 31



  • We don't need no votes!
  • Even rigged voting goes wrong so the government changes the subject to law and order.
  • Revolutionary Measures
  • The gathering post 'election' storm.
  • Tiger by the Tail
  • Interview with opposition leader.
  • Revolutionary Democracy in Action
  • The 'election' show doesn't go according to plan.
  • 'election' news - just like Rasputin

  • Politburo Knows Best I -Liberal Democracy
  • The pretense of democracy is based on interest and pressure from the West, particularly the US. The opposition sat out the previous 'elections' because they were faked. This time they are on notice from the community of aid donors to go along with the show or be left to their own devices.
  • Politburo Knows Best II - Human Rights
  • There are no meaningful human rights recognizable to any democratic society that are experienced beyond the immediate eyesight of Western aid donors.
  • Politburo Knows Best III - Revolutionary Democracy
  • The national guiding ideology is still Marxist-Leninist-Maoism - so you can assume there aren't great prospects for freedom and prosperity.
  • Politburo Knows Best IV - Revolutionary Feudalism
  • There are no rights to own private property whose protection is essential to all personal and political rights worldwide throughout history.
  • Politburo Knows Best V - The Wretched of the Earth
  • Ethiopia's system of tribal divide and rule 'bantustans' has more in common with medieval feudalism than anything modern or decent for humans to live under.
  • Politburo Knows Best VI - Defending the Revolution
  • An intense system of of control inherited from the Communist Dergue of Mengistu (known in Cuba as 'Committees to Defend the Revolution') exert absolute government control and fear at the lowest (neighborhood or block) level in unseen rural areas (85% of the people) and urban lives as well.
  • Politburo Knows Best VII - Let A Hundred Flowers Bloom
  • The last few episodes of the tragi-comic "Revolutionary Democratic Election Show' (the ugliest reality show ever staged) are examined in ... episodic depth. The number of viewers, blameless or aware, who seem to accept it all at face value makes for an amazing lesson in living Orwellian production values. Sadly, 70 million Ethiopians can't just change the channel.
  • Politburo Knows Best VIII - Occam and Damocles
  • This one is about the politburo's doomsday option should it be threatened with ever actually losing power. The system is structured so that the in the short term the threat of apocalyptic tribal warfare is always on the horizon without the manipulations of the ruling party. In the long term it will eventually collapse anyway taking millions along with it.
  • Politburo Knows Best IX - Dictatorship
  • A summary of the series and the prospects for actual democracy.

  • Letter to Tony Blair
  • Link to and commentary on a remarkably lucid and cogent analysis of the current regime and the role of the West.
  • Press Freedom under threat
  • Threats to already limited press rights are on the horizon.
  • The long fetasha
  • The long 'search'. A post borrowed from Meskel Square with commentary on the intrusive nature of an undemocratic state.

    The long fetasha

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